Risk MAPS: Hereditary Cancer Risk Assessment — Protean BioDx
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Risk MAPS™ is an innovative risk assessment test that offers unprecedented coverage of the human genome.

I have not been diagnosed with cancer:


Knowing your risk of cancer allows you to create a cancer prevention plan, that may include:

  • Increasing the frequency of cancer screening

  • Beginning screening at a specific age

  • Taking preventative measures


I have a cancer diagnosis:


If you already have a cancer diagnosis, knowledge about your genetic risk can help your doctor:

  • Adjust your treatment plan

  • Plan follow-up monitoring


The number of genes known to be involved in hereditary cancer syndromes and risk is steadily increasing. For this reason, Protean offers the most extensive testing panel available to ensure that genes are not missed and also protect the data for future use if new genes are identified.

For more information on what genetic testing is and how it can help you, watch the video linked to the right.


How is the Test Done?

  • The test is performed using a cheek swab sample that you can collect in a doctors office or at home.

  • The sample is then shipped to our laboratory for sequence analysis.

  • It takes 2-3 weeks to complete the sequencing and analysis of the DNA sample.

  • Informed consent and counseling with a genetic counselor will be done prior to sample collection, as well as when the results of the test are completed and delivered to you.

Extended Testing and Whole Exome Analysis

For some patients with unusual medical conditions, it might be appropriate to consider whole exome sequencing.

Because Protean’s Risk MAPS™ test is based on whole exome sequencing analysis we can perform a broader bioinformatics analysis to search for mutations in non-cancer related genes associated with both known and unknown inherited medical conditions..


Interested in Risk MAPS?
Fill out the form below, and a patient coordinator will reach out to you.


Have questions? We’re here for you.